Google Adsense Account Disabled
| Google has zero tolerance towards fraudulent activities. It does not tolerate frauds and immediately you may see the title in your account. Google adsense account disabled is what you see when you involve your self in fraudulent activities. Before joining adsense take time to read the program policies of adsense. |
Adsense does not like the following... |
- Invalid clicks Do not involve in anyway to generate invalid clicks. The clicks that happens in your website must be genuine. No scope for an fraudulent actvities. Google does not tolerate repeated clicks by person or software, link exchanges and traffic exchanges. Google has an excellent system in place to find fraudulent activities. If you continue doing it You will see your google account disabled message soon.
- Adult content. Google does not like its ads displayed in the sites that shows adult contents.
- Duplicate content or sites made for adsense. Google wants original useful content and does not tolerate sites made for adsense. In addition your site must not contain violent content, hacking, illicit drugs, gambling, sale of arms and ammunition and anything illegal.
- Do not use copyrighted material.
- Follow instructions in displaying ads.
The most important of the rules is do not in any way click on your ads. If you do adsense has zero tolerance and you would regret later. |
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